Possible answers for: Booking

How can I book a flight with Edelweiss?

You can book your flight on our website using the following link:

Book a flight

How many days before departure can I book an Edelweiss flight?

Our flights can be booked from 360 days before departure within the published flight timetable.

How do I book a one-way or an open jaw flight?

When you book your flight through flyedelweiss.com, you can select a round trip, one-way or open jaw flight.

Book a flight

How and where can I book an Edelweiss flight if my departure airport is not Zurich?

flyedelweiss.com currently only offers flight bookings from Zurich. For flights from other airports, please make your booking with our codeshare partner SWISS at swiss.com.


How do I make a group booking with Edelweiss?

A maximum of nine passengers can be accepted in one booking process. For bookings of ten passengers and more, please contact our sister airline SWISS.


Will a flight ticket be issued after I have booked my flight?

On completion of your booking, you will receive a booking confirmation with a six-digit booking reference number. This information will be sent to you by e-mail shortly after receiving your booking.

I will be travelling with Edelweiss and would like to treat myself to an upgrade. Where can I find information regarding availability and prices?

If you have booked via flyedelweiss.com and seats are available in the corresponding category, you can purchase an upgrade in two ways: You can bid for your upgrade at Edelweiss Holiday Upgrade up to two days (48 hours) before departure. If your bid is successful, you will receive your upgrade at your suggested price.

You can also request a Business Class upgrade at a fixed price at any time. Please use the contact form for this purpose.

Passengers who have booked their trip via SWISS (LX8xxx flight number) or in an (online) travel agency, please contact the respective booking office directly.

I wish to order a special meal. Where can I do that?

You can order your special meal up to four days before departure. For more information about the choice of meals and how to order, click on the following link:

Special meal

How do I make a seat reservation?

Irrespective of which booking agency you used, you can add a seat reservation to your booking up to four days before departure. You can either make a seat reservation directly during booking or after booking on "My booking".


I would like to travel with more baggage. What do I need to do?

Irrespective of which booking agency you used, you can register your additional baggage or excess baggage up to four days before departure. At Free baggage allowance you will see how much baggage is included in your ticket. At the following link you can see how much your excess and additional baggage would cost. You can easily and conveniently register the desired additional baggage on the same page.

Additional and excess baggage

I would like to travel with sports baggage. What do I need to do?

Irrespective of which booking agency you used, you can register your sports baggage up to four days before departure. Carriage of a sports bag, category normal, is free of charge on some routes. At the following link, the different categories are summarized and the desired sports equipment can easily and conveniently be register on the same page.

Sports equipment

I would like to travel with my pet. What is the best way to do this?

For information concerning the carriage of pets, click on the link below:

Carriage of pets

I would like to change or cancel my flight. What do I need to do?

If you booked your flight at flyedelweiss.com or via our Service Center, you may be entitled to alter your flight depending on the applicable fare conditions. Please contact our Service Center so that the conditions can be checked and, if applicable, changes made to your booked flight. Please have your six-digit reservation number ready for this.

Opening hours: Mo–Su, 24 hours Online contact: contact form

Service Team phone
Switzerland: +41 (0)848 333 593 
Germany: +49 211 561 50150
Austria: +43 120 609 2056
USA: +1 669 272 1225
United Kingdom: +44 2079494863
Canada: +1 5143928654

If you did not book your flight with us, please contact your booking agency.

Will I receive a refund of the price difference if my booked flight becomes cheaper online?

Our prices vary depending on availability of the flight. In the event that you should find a cheaper price after your booking, there will be no refund of the price difference.

Will I receive a new reservation number after altering my booking?

Your personal reservation number will not change after altering your booking.

Will the services I booked be automatically transferred to the new flight?

If you change your flight, you are also responsible for changing your Edelweiss options. It is possible to transfer all of the services of your original flight booking to the new flight (if available on the new flight). This applies to:
- Seat reservations
- Sports baggage
- Additional baggage
- Travel insurance
- Special meals
- Medical services

Please contact our Service Center in writing to change your booked services.

Contact form

I wish to change a flight which I did not book via flyedelweiss.com. What do I need to do?

We only have access to bookings made via flyedelweiss.com or our Service Center. For changes to your booking, please contact your booking agency.

Further Topics

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